Are you facing financial troubles? Have you tried to alleviate your debts by working with the companies, but not succeeding? There are many reasons for a person to enter into financial difficulties. It is possible that you or a spouse has lost a job, you have medical bills that need to be paid, or you have used credit cards to get by.
If you have tried to work with your creditors to no avail you are probably beginning to look at the options of bankruptcy. There are six laws in bankruptcy and two of those laws deal with the individual. You have probably heard of Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. These deal solely with you as the individual. You may or may not have to appear in court depending upon your circumstances.
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It is best to hire a lawyer or seek a non- profit organization to help you understand the rules of bankruptcy. Income is important. If you make a certain amount of money and have savings it may not be possible to file for bankruptcy. You will also want to know about non- exempt assets. These are assets the courts can take from you to sell of in order to pay your debts. On the other hand you may find your creditors do not fight the bankruptcy and all your debts may be absolved so you can start fresh.
You also have to keep in mind with a bankruptcy that your credit report will be damaged. It will be hard for you to obtain loans on homes, cars, and even student loans if you have gone through a bankruptcy. You will want to ask your lawyer about the possibilities of improving your credit while the bankruptcy takes place. Certain companies are still willing to loan money for a fairly high interest rate, but it can help you save your credit.
You will also want to hire a company that can begin to remove the bad debt from your credit report. It can take a year after the bankruptcy before a company will be able to remove the individual debts, but it can take more than 3 years before a bankruptcy will go off your record on a report.
Knowing a few basic things about bankruptcy will help you to achieve a better financial status when the trouble is over. You can learn how to prevent these financial troubles in the future and have all your questions answered by a qualified lawyer.
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