If You Are Considering a Do It Yourself Bankruptcy, Read This First!

If you are at a point where you are considering the possibility of declaring yourself bankrupt as a last resort to deal with debt problems, then it is probably fair to assume that the last thing in the world you want right now is another bill. For this reason, a number of people look to attempting a do it yourself bankruptcy, that is to say, they seek to go it alone without the assistance of a lawyer.

But let's get straight to the point. A do it yourself bankruptcy is NOT feasible.

You might have heard people talking about how they went through a do it yourself bankruptcy successfully but the chances are that this was before 2005.

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In 2005, Congress made some reforms to the bankruptcy code. These changes have made the law notoriously difficult to understand, even for the professionals. And for that reason, it is really not a good idea even to attempt this without an attorney backing you up.

For a start, although most people who were eligible before 2005 still are, some are now not. You really need to seek unbiased and honest advice of a legal professional to work out whether or not bankruptcy is even the route you should be considering. And then, once you establish that it is, the hoops you have to jump through are so excessive and complicated that you simply cannot do it alone.

Of course you are probably concerned about making the payments to the lawyer for fees. But you are going to be much better off simply considering this a necessary expense and hiring a good lawyer. These lawyers deal with people in financial trouble all the time and are often quite happy to work out a manageable payment plan with you in order to make paying easier.

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